October 31, 2023
Lauren Platero

The 5 Best Restaurant Tech Alternatives to Olo for Chains

Selecting one of the many restaurant tech alternatives is vital for multi-restaurant chains. Every chain restaurant brand is somewhat of a complex entity. For one, there are numerous locations that upper-level executives must monitor. Plus, there are bound to be fluctuations in restaurant success from one unit to the next. 

One constant that’s valuable across the board is multi restaurant online ordering solutions. Regardless of a unit’s current performance or its location, online ordering services are beneficial. From boosting the customer experience as well as profits, there are many pros to know about. So, this blog is going to discuss several restaurant tech alternatives to Olo, a brand that caters more toward large enterprises.

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How Is Multi-Location Restaurant Tech Different?

Restaurant technology for a multi-unit chain is much different from the solutions one would use for an independent restaurant business. This is simply because there are more entities you have to manage. And with a higher number of units, the more labor, sales, and customers you have as part of the equation. 

Let’s take Revolution Ordering, for example. We specifically cater to small to medium-sized enterprises. As a result, our solutions help such businesses operate to their full potential. For instance, our business intelligence tool showcases company performance across the board. As you can imagine, this comes in handy for monitoring multiple locations at a glance. Meanwhile, it also displays industry trends, which are vital in competing against larger names. 

Take into consideration that the feature previously mentioned is just one example. However, brands that cater to massive chains, such as Olo, aren’t always compatible with smaller franchises. In fact, some online ordering tech providers won’t even work with single restaurants or chains with few units. 

But not Revolution Ordering. We pride ourselves on partnering with small to medium-sized hospitality brands. In doing so, they’re able to scale the business and level up. We’ll discuss more on how exactly we do so in the following section.

​​Long John Silver's is a well-known multi-restaurant chain that leverages Revolution Ordering to maximize profits. Check out our latest case study to learn how we helped them increase digital sales by 55%.  

Top 5 Restaurant Tech Alternatives and Olo competitors for Multi-Restaurant Chains

Choosing Olo or one of the Olo online ordering alternatives for your franchise restaurants is a must if you want to maximize revenue. But which SaaS provider do you partner with? After all, there are many restaurant tech alternatives available. However, the following five Olo alternatives are suitable for chains across the restaurant industry

1. Revolution Ordering 

If you need solutions that support online ordering for small restaurants, Revolution Ordering has all the tools you need. All food service brands can leverage our POS system integrations with third-party delivery apps. Then, you can promote in-house group ordering and catering services by enhancing the reservation booking experience. Even if you operate a hotel, out hotel in room dining capabilities can do wonders for revenue.

But what about more employee-facing features? Well, aside from the business intelligence dashboard we mentioned earlier, there’s a variety of other tools. For instance, we offer demand creation and restaurant marketing tools to make promoting your eatery so much easier. Plus, our clients have a single centralized platform where they can track and manage all orders. Restaurant operations have never been easier. Plus, you get every one of our features for a flat monthly fee. So, even the smallest enterprises can accurately budget their finances. 

We are also one of the best online ordering service providers in the industry when it comes to providing stellar customer service. Each of our clients can reach our customer support team 24/7. Plus, once you onboard our products, you’ll gain access to a complete knowledge base. This resource will allow you and the rest of your team to learn about all our features independently.

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2. Chowly

Multi-restaurant chains can use Chowly's strategic tools to scale a restaurant brand. One feature in particular that'll probably interest any business owner is Smart Pricing. This is a tool that uses AI to update app menu prices based on various factors. 

Such variables may include the season, holidays, or even the weather. It does so in a way that keeps the eateries under the radar. So, there's less of a chance that delivery service providers will penalize businesses for implementing dynamic pricing.

3. Incentivio

Another hospitality software company that has everything chains need is Incentivio. From in-depth marketing tools to marketplace order insertion, they have the features to drive success. However, as of May 2023, there is a $200 fee for each new location. But, this just goes to show that they have the capacity to partner with chains.

There’s just one other thing to know. When offering multi restaurant online ordering, it’s vital to be on as many food delivery apps as possible. And as of May 2023, Incentivio clients can not integrate with Google food ordering. Considering just how easy this ordering outlet is for customers, it’s worth keeping in mind when researching restaurant tech alternatives.

4. Toast

If you’re also on the hunt for restaurant tech alternatives that also include hardware, you’re probably familiar with Toast. From an initial glance, it may seem like they offer everything you need. And though they might, just expect to pay high fees. But let’s say you lean toward their POS devices but not necessarily their software. Many online ordering solutions for multi-restaurant chains, like Revolution Ordering, integrate with the Toast POS system.

5. Bentobox

If you prefer a more “a la carte” product selection, Bentobox might be right for you. Besides, they have a ton of useful tools and resources. Some of their most popular being online ordering, ADA compliance features, and website design. As of May 2023, all of these features were priced at around $249 each. So, many brands have the opportunity to mix and match what they need. It’s just worth noting that you might end up spending more once everything you need is added up.

Frequently Asked Questions About Restaurant Tech Alternatives

Not only are there many restaurant tech alternatives on the market, but each of them can consist of different features. For example, different POS partners might be able to offer clients a number of different payment processing options. Meanwhile, off-premise ordering solutions may comprise a vast selection of customer-facing tools. It’s all about finding the right balance that’ll support your specific business model. 

If you’d like to learn more about restaurant tech alternatives from a more general perspective, you’re in the right place. Read on for the FAQ section below. 

What Is the Restaurant Computer System Called?

The restaurant computer system is called a point-of-sale (POS) system. There are many restaurant tech alternatives to this product. However, onboarding one is necessary for every restaurant. It’s the payment processor, and therefore, vital for processing all transactions.

What Is the Best POS System for Small Restaurants?

Some of the best POS systems for small restaurants with the most innovative POS integration features include:

  • PAR Brink
  • Toast
  • Micros Res/3700
  • Positouch
  • NCR Aloha Quick Service
  • NCR Aloha Table Service
  • NCR Cloud Connect
  • Toast
  • Xenial

What Is a Restaurant Operating System?

A restaurant operating system is a software application that helps streamline operations and daily tasks. A few examples of a restaurant operating system include a restaurant POS platform, an employee management system, or a CRM system. Just remember that operating systems are those that let the business function.

What Are the Screens In a Restaurant Called?

One of the most common screens you’ll find in a restaurant is the kitchen display system (KDS). This is a back of house device and is used to view orders as they roll in. Another screen you may find is the front of house tablet that the host uses. This device is used to manage orders. And lastly, you may also find tabletop devices in some restaurants. Customers can use these screens to view the menus, place orders, and pay the bill.

What Is the System Restaurants Use?

The system that restaurants use is the point-of-sale (POS) system. It comprises POS hardware, a payment terminal, and a payment gateway in order to process transactions. To fully operate a business, every restaurant needs to invest in one. Then, they can opt for an online ordering platform that can integrate, expanding the restaurant’s features.

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Now, Let’s Select One of the Restaurant Tech Alternatives

There are many restaurant tech alternatives suitable for multi-restaurant chains. However, the features that one restaurant brand might leverage may differ from another. That’s why you need to conduct a thorough analysis of your franchise and carefully consider all your options. Once you surpass this step, you’ll be able to fully innovate and transform your business.