Lauren Platero

5 Groundbreaking Types of Technology Used By Chefs

The restaurant industry boasts numerous types of technology used by chefs. From kitchen appliances to team management software, there are so many that improve the professional environment fot both staff and chefs. 

From app integrations to customer-facing devices, hospitality software companies are constantly creating new ways to enhance efficiency and profits simultaneously. If you’re unsure as to which technology used by chefs you should invest in, we’ve got you covered! 

Technology Used By Chefs

As we’ve briefly mentioned thus far, technology used by chefs can completely enhance a restaurant business. Restaurants that don’t have tech solutions built into their strategy or daily operations often run into challenges and common restaurant issues.

In the remainder of this article, we’re going to discuss several types of technology used by chefs across the entire hospitality industry. If you’ve been contemplating the benefits of restaurant automation or hospitality software, there’s never been a better time to onboard solutions. 

So without further ado, here are five groundbreaking types of technology used by chefs:

1. Kitchen Display Systems

A kitchen display system streamlines the communication between front of house and back of house staff. For instance, if one of the waiters adds new items to an order, the chefs will have instant access to it. 

Kitchen display systems also pair very well with online ordering apps. When customers place online orders, they show up on the chef’s display screen for easy access. 

When chefs are able to prepare orders at a quicker rate, customers will likely experience great service. Stellar service is ideal for customer satisfaction, so be sure to prioritize solutions that promote speed and efficiency. 

2. Inventory Management Software 

Every executive chef chef needs a sufficient amount of inventory on hand to do their job. However, manually taking inventory can lead to confusion and human errors. Fortunately, that’s why restaurant inventory management platforms have become one of the most valuable tech solutions. 

Inventory management apps allow chefs to shop from a wholesale directory, conduct a routine inventory audit, manage inventory control, and place recurring orders. Purchasing exactly what you need rather than what you anticipate will also prevent food spoilage.

Inventory costs are one of the greatest restaurant expenses. Plus, limiting the amount of money you spend will eliminate significant amounts of waste. With the right tool, it can all be put on autopilot. From every angle, efficient inventory management techniques are ideal. 

Want to learn how to take inventory with ease and accuracy? Book a demo with BlueCart today! 

3. Food Safety Technology

Food safety technology can sync with various restaurant equipment to check safety indicators. These systems can also build reports and notify the chef when changes need to be made. 

Health and safety standards aren’t just important for a restaurant’s reputation but for legal reasons, too. It’s vital that consumers can safely and comfortably dine in your restaurant. If negative customer reviews or even worse, reports, trace back to safety errors, a business owner can face numerous liabilities.  

Plus, it’s never a bad idea to maintain a clean, secure, and safe restaurant. If anything, these traits can amplify a positive reputation and encourage more consumers to visit. High ratings for health and safety standards can also result in awards and public recognition. 

4. Scheduling Software

In many cases, the sous chef owns the restaurant. More often than not, you’ll find this in independently owned eateries rather than chains. 

When a chef owns a restaurant, they’re sometimes responsible for management-level tasks. Such duties may include scheduling shifts and delegating projects. Scheduling software can allow a chef or restaurant manager to plan ahead. 

Assigning the proper number of shifts to your team can also help to avoid an understaffed business. It’s also a foolproof way to lessen the sense of work overload. Even if there’s a need for a bigger team, at least staff members can plan accordingly beforehand. 

5. Smart Appliances 

There are many types of technology used by chefs that allow them to multitask on the job. Temperature sensors and smart ovens are just two examples of technologies that can make a world of difference. 

Traditional appliances require chefs to work at a much faster pace. Once meals are done, temperatures need to change or ingredients must be removed from heat immediately. 

An inability to properly time various aspects of cooking can cause a plethora of problems. From burning food to letting things get cold, temperature control is more important inside a restaurant kitchen than you might assume. 

To serve the best dishes possible, ensure that customers receive them at the appropriate temperature and in the right condition. By onboarding smart appliances, chefs can spend less time monitoring temperatures and more time preparing ingredients.

Importance of Technology Used By Chefs

Chefs are able to limit the need to multitask when using innovative restaurant technology. In doing so, they’re able to pay more attention to detail while preparing each dish. With the right tools, chefs can do their job in record time and perfect their craft. 

Technology used by chefs is meant to eliminate stress and increase productivity. By combining culinary talents with advanced food tech solutions, restaurant owners have the potential to completely elevate their business. 

It’s also important to note that technology used by chefs helps ensure the accuracy and quality of each dish. So, using such solutions can promote a higher guest retention rate and a better customer experience.

Frequently Asked Questions About Technology Used By Chefs

As the restaurant landscape evolves, the types of technology used by chefs will become more advanced, too. In the meantime, let’s review the basics surrounding technology used by chefs. 

What Tools and Technology Are Used As a Chef?

Common tools and technology used by chefs include:

  • Standing mixers and appliances 
  • Smart oven technology
  • Kitchen display systems 
  • Scheduling software 
  • Health and safety technology 

What Technologies Are Used In Cooking?

Efficient and multitasking appliances are just a couple of types of technology used by chefs in the kitchen. To better prepare and organize orders, chefs also use kitchen display systems and POS integrations. 

What Type of Technology Is Used In a Restaurant?

Various types of technology used in restaurants include the following options:

  • POS platforms 
  • Inventory management software
  • Pay-at-table devices 
  • QR codes 

How Does Technology Affect Chefs?

Technology affects chefs by making their daily tasks easier and more straightforward. Some chefs benefit from inventory apps that guarantee fresh ingredients at all times. Others prefer kitchen display systems to streamline back of house operations. The tech solutions that impact chefs the most depend on their personal preferences and situations. 

What Are Five Examples of How Technology Is Used In Food Service?

Five popular examples of how technology is used in food service include:

  1. Using POS systems to track revenue
  2. Kitchen display systems to sort orders
  3. Inventory management apps to order ingredients
  4. Tabeside devices to speed up table turnover rates
  5. QR menu codes to simplify the ordering process

How Will You Innovate Your Restaurant’s Kitchen?

Now that you’re aware of some of the most innovative types of technology used by chefs, it’s time to find solutions that are right for your business! Revolutionize your restaurant with tools that streamline operations in the kitchen, while delivering customers the ultimate experience. Over time, these solutions will help you remain profitable, establish a loyal customer base, and rise above the competition.