January 14, 2023
Lauren Platero

Future of Restaurants | What Will Restaurant Dining Look Like In 10 Years?

The future of restaurants and dining is an area to consider right now. The restaurant industry is an ever-changing landscape with countless opportunities for innovation. 

As standard processes become simpler, consumers will continue to seek ways to be more time-efficient. And as the ongoing challenge to increase profits is dealt with, business owners will make smarter decisions to support operations. 

Future of Restaurants 

Restaurants have been an enjoyable aspect of life for quite some time. According to several historical reports, the first restaurant in the world was opened in 1765. A Parisian named Boulanger opened an eatery not too far from the Louvre. 

Ever since the eighteenth century, food and restaurants have been a key part of every culture. From casual dining experiences to upscale restaurants, they’re all a part of the human experience at this point in time. 

And even though there may be people who don’t visit restaurants that often (if at all), there are many ways that eateries still have an impact on society. From catering events to fueling wholesale businesses, so many variables connect to restaurants in some shape or form. 

Like any booming industry, the restaurant space will likely experience many changes in the next decade. Tech solutions are catering to popular restaurant issues more than ever. Plus, they often enhance the customer experience

The Need for Restaurants 

Sure, ordering for delivery or having a nice meal out is a luxury. However, the hospitality industry has a constant need for restaurants. Without restaurants, the following issues would occur:

  • Consumers and companies wouldn’t have a way to cater events. 
  • Many resorts, cities, and vacation destinations would miss out on major revenue streams. 
  • Wholesalers would no longer have major clients. 
  • Supermarkets and grocery stores would be forced to expand dramatically. 

With all of this in mind, it’s pretty obvious that restaurants aren’t going anywhere. If you really think about it, it’s nearly impossible to imagine a world where they don’t exist. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s easy to keep a restaurant afloat. 

In order for restaurants to be successful and remain in business, they have to adapt to the times. The future of restaurants is dependent on the ways in which business owners are willing to adjust their strategies. From the ambiance and decor to the tech solutions used by staff, there are many avenues to take when keeping up with the trends. 

The Aesthetic 

As the restaurant industry continues to grow, market saturation can become a risk. A way to combat this issue is to establish a theme within the restaurant. Themes are fun and creative ways to stand out amongst competitors, be memorable, and attract a niche audience (if that’s the goal). 

Themes will become more advantageous in the restaurant space as more entrepreneurs open businesses. Whether you want your establishment to be known as an authentic Irish pub with imported beer brands, or a rustic Italian trattoria serving gourmet dishes, a theme can help nurture customer loyalty. 

Restaurants that serve a standardized menu with an assortment of dishes can get lost in the shuffle. This is even risky if the decor and atmosphere are generic, too. Creating an aesthetic that pairs with the cuisine is ideal for well-branded restaurants. 

The Service 

The service that the wait staff gives to customers might not change as the years go on. Human behavior can fluctuate based on countless variables, so it’s hard to predict these interactions. However, we can assume that many human-run tasks and manual processes will be replaced by technology. 

Don’t worry–we don’t expect that robots will take over your favorite restaurants. But what we are saying is that many automation tools can streamline restaurant operations and eliminate work overload

Restaurants won’t be completely run by robotic devices, but technology can be used to improve operations. By using helpful solutions, restaurant staff members can make better use of their time. In doing so, stellar customer service could become a norm for every eatery. 

For instance, tableside devices can lessen the time it takes waiters and waitresses to collect orders. During their extra time, they can tend to more pertinent tasks and larger parties. Or, perhaps these devices can allow customers to pay the bill independently. In this case, restaurants would be able to establish a faster table turnover rate. 

There are many ways to improve customer satisfaction. However, bear in mind that many futuristic and innovative solutions already have this goal in mind. Once you invest in tech solutions for eateries, you automatically invest in the future of restaurants. 

Future of Dining 

Over the last few decades, the dining experience has changed quite a bit. Fast-casual eateries became more common as the fast food industry grew in popularity. The dine-in slow food movement also started to slow down (no pun intended). The slow food movement refers to the concept of taking time to consume and enjoy meals. As consumers evolve, we tend to adopt more high-speed lifestyles. 

As restaurants started launching solutions to speed up the dining experience, the entire ecosystem started to shift. Restaurants were finally able to combat slow turnover rates, time management issues, and operational efficiency. 

As the years move along, there will likely be many more changes. Read on to learn more about the future of dining, and what it might look like several years from now. 

Tech Solutions 

As the restaurant industry has experienced a digital transformation over the years, several manual processes have been improved by onboarding tech solutions. For instance, every restaurant had to take inventory by organizing daily counts of their inventory. This would lead to human error, overspending, shrinkage, and food spoilage. Now, restaurant inventory management apps like BlueCart allow restaurant staff to manage the process with ease. 

Many restaurants have introduced tableside devices, QR codes, voice ordering, contactless payments, and integrated online platforms in recent years. All of these solutions are examples of how the dining experience can be changed for the better. 

But what features about these solutions resonate with consumers? Well, they speed up standard processes and make dining at a restaurant a streamlined and simpler experience. Sure, going out for a meal or ordering takeout isn’t exactly a complex process. But, the addition of innovative tools here and there can just make the overall experience a bit more enjoyable. 

So when we imagine what the future of dining will look like, we see it as being a landscape with solutions for every aspecting of the entire experience. Whether you dine in or order food for delivery, every step of the process will be straightforward. 

Delivery vs. Dine-In

The future of dining also refers to the differences we’ll see with food delivery. As the most convenient method of ordering food, restaurants and POS partners will continue creating online platforms that address popular wants and needs amongst customers. 

Food ordering apps have drastically changed over the past several years. From clarifying ways to redeem loyalty points to showcasing recommendations upon checkout, many updates are beneficial for both businesses and consumers. 

A significant area of improvement for ordering apps is GPS tracking features. Almost every app offers some kind of live order tracking, but this data might not be accurate at all times. This can result in inaccurate delivery times, calls to the restaurant, and dissatisfied customers. 

Displaying accurate tracking information can easily enhance the delivery experience. GPS tracking is just one aspect of ordering apps that we expect will improve during future years. However, it’s one that can greatly improve apps and give many platforms a competitive edge. 

As more people have positive experiences ordering food online, it might lessen the number of parties who dine in. Bear in mind that every restaurant is different in this regard. So, if you’re a restaurant owner and offer delivery, take note of any changes pertaining to how your business generates revenue. After all, they might be due to beneficial changes to the apps your customers use to place orders. 

Turnover Rates 

The more tables a restaurant can serve, the more revenue it can generate. To speed up the table turnover rate in an eatery, a little bit of multitasking has to take place. 

From menu ordering via QR codes to paying the bill with tableside devices, there are numerous ways to speed up operations. When customers utilize in-house tech solutions to complete their experience, the staff can multitask by taking care of other duties. In doing so, more can get done in less time. 

With technology comes the ability to multitask. So as the future of dining evolves, we expect it to be more feasible than ever to serve the maximum number of customers possible. 


Restaurant automation is what most people think of when restaurant technology is brought up in conversation. Automation tools are all about ways to streamline operations, increase efficiency, and boost profits. Such tools introduce the idea of replacing human activity with pre-programmed devices and cloud-based software. 

In the next ten years, we’ll likely see automation in restaurants more than ever. Automation software is some of the most sought-after forms of technology in restaurants, which means that hospitality software companies are constantly rolling out new products and features. 

Think about it this way–there are mainstream automation tools as of 2022 that were unheard of just ten years ago. One example that comes to mind is online ordering apps. So if you look at something such as voice ordering for restaurants, it’s fair to assume that this will be a norm a decade from now.

This idea also makes us wonder what kinds of inventions will be introduced for the first time in the near future. At the rate in which the industry evolves, the future of dining could look quite different thanks to automation. 

Catering Services

Catering services are a necessity for parties and events. However, flexibility for the customers is essential for a positive experience. As catering platforms receive updates throughout the years, they should allow people to completely customize their options. 

Customizable catering packages will ensure people that they’re getting exactly what they have in mind, and that they’re only paying for what they want. Plus, giving customers this amount of control over event management will allow you to surpass local competitors. 

Loyalty Memberships 

As competition soars throughout the market, restaurants need to find ways to allure customers. A foolproof way to do this is by launching an enticing restaurant loyalty program. Loyalty programs serve as a tool to attract new visitors and retain existing ones. 

Consider opting for rewards that are unique from local competitors. Whether you offer a free meal by redeeming so many points or a percentage off of the bill, ensure that you deliver the best perks. 

Keep in mind that with a customer rewards program comes freebies. Before launching a loyalty program of any kind, review your financial data to determine if it’s feasible. If a restaurant loses out on money by implementing something to drive traffic, it’d be a counterintuitive move that can bring down its profitability. 

We anticipate that loyalty programs will become more creative in the near future. Perhaps customers will have more control over their rewards. Many POS systems allow customers to create their own packages when it comes to memberships. So, will restaurants do the same? Only time will tell. 

The Future Is Bright… and Innovative! 

Entrepreneurs and consumers should expect the future of restaurants to be innovative. Technology has the ability to alter the ways in which brands conduct business. So as new innovations and solutions emerge, there will be numerous growth opportunities across the restaurant and dining landscape.