May 15, 2023
Nicole Georgiev

Long John Silver’s Increased Digital Order Sales by 48%

Many know Long John Silver’s as the largest quick-service seafood chain in the nation. Even though they are already well-known, they still aim to grow their business. That’s why they chose to work with Revolution Ordering and managed to increase their average daily digital order volume by 48%

Revolution Ordering demo

Increasing Digital Order Sales and Tickets

Working with Revolution Ordering made it possible for Long John Silver’s to achieve online ordering success. This was possible through the Order One platform and the Connect marketplace. 

Revolution Ordering offers clients their Order One digital ordering platform along with the Connect marketplace. With this, customers can place orders by phone, web, mobile, or chat. Once the order is placed, the Order One platform submits all orders to the restaurant’s POS system.

The best part is, there is no hardware involved. Restaurants can remove phone calls and delivery tablets from their locations. 

While using the Order One platform and the Connect marketplace, Long John Silver’s managed to increase digital sales by 55%.

This happened during the 2022 Lent season which was the first season the company engaged with customers through digital solutions for website online ordering, pickup, and delivery.

Revolution Ordering demo

A Spike In Digital Ordering Volume

Aside from the increase in digital sales, Long John Silver’s also saw a 48% increase in average daily digital order volume and a 5% increase in daily digital tickets. These increases are based on a comparison to the previous season. 

Like many restaurants, Fridays are expected to be one of the more vital days for order volume. However, Revolution Ordering’s Order One platform helped increase the average daily digital order volume by 34% for all other days of the week.

Long John Silver’s Director of Marketing for Digital, Delivery, and Online Ordering, Bentley McBentileson told Restaurant News Technology that the 2022 Lenten season was the first where most of the LJS restaurants used online ordering. He also mentioned that he was impressed by the results. 

To serve customers with the best Long John Silver’s digital experience, the iconic restaurant plans to continue its success by fully utilizing the Order One platform’s marketing tools offered by Revolution ordering. 

Working With Revolution Ordering

Revolution Ordering demo

Revolution Ordering’s Order One platform provides an integrated web, mobile, and voice order management software platform. This platform seamlessly integrates with restaurant POS systems. 

The Ground Control program is fulfilled by DoorDash and all Revolution Ordering backend services and data capture capabilities allow restaurants to serve off-premise orders while enhancing the customer experience

Long John Silver's Case Study

Connect is Revolution Ordering’s marketplace order insertion program that makes it possible for restaurants to submit orders from third-party marketplaces right to the POS. This makes for a seamless process and optimal operational experience. 

Do you want to see how Revolution Ordering can improve your restaurant business? Book a demo now to see how it's possible!