December 7, 2022
Lauren Platero

Event Management: 8 Important Reasons to Onboard POS Solutions

Event management requires a particular skillset from the business owner and wait staff. Within the restaurant industry, venues and restaurants offer various services, from catering dinners to hosting on-site private events. In all cases, knowing how to be efficient is key.

Innovative technology in restaurants and venues allows complex processes to be much simpler. In doing so, businesses can boost revenue and customer satisfaction.

Streamlining venue and restaurant operations is just the first step toward successful event management. So, keep reading to learn all about this line of business.

Revolution Ordering

Event Management: Definition

Event management is the process of coordinating an event from start to finish. Effective processes and the right skillset can turn basic concepts into memorable experiences.

In this day and age, event management can be done virtually or in person. From CRM software to restaurant tech, there are several ways to perform efficient event management duties.

Importance of An Event Management System

The importance of an event management system is to ensure that all plans unfold according to plan. Without having a realistic system in place, it can be easy for mishaps and confusion to occur amongst your staff.

Examples of Event Technology

Aside from a POS system, there are various types of event technology and hospitality software to consider. Some of the most popular choices are as follows:

  • Event ticketing software: Issue attendees at public events tickets to enter. Not only will this allow people to pay for tickets at the door, but it can allow venues to keep track of numerical data.
  • Attendance tracking software: If a venue hosts large events, attendance tracking software will benefit payroll and scheduling matters.
  • Project management software: Leading up to the event, there will be many components to coordinate. Utilize a user-friendly project management tool to simplify tasks for the whole team.
  • Marketing automation software: Promoting your event is crucial. Be sure to utilize automated software to schedule content before, during, and after the event if it’s open to the public. This idea also applies to events that are meant to generate press coverage.  

Top 8 Reasons to Onboard POS Solutions For Event Management

Venue tech can do wonders for streamlining operations. Continue reading to learn why an event POS solution should be a category of venue tech to implement right now.

1. Inventory Management Integrations

A restaurant POS platform can help restaurant inventory management processes. Ever wonder how you can take inventory more efficiently? Use an inventory management app like BlueCart to do the work for you.

Venues that provide catering options will benefit from inventory management apps immensely. It can be difficult to manually track ingredients when mass cooking, and it can be quite expensive, too. With the right tool, you can completely eliminate the guesswork.

The BlueCart app allows you to choose goods from a wholesale directory, schedule payments, and know the reorder point in advance. Book a demo with BlueCart to advance your inventory management techniques with one simple venue platform.

2. Calendar Overview

Event management is all about managing time wisely. Some venues can host multiple venues on the same day due to multiple rooms. In other cases, the guest(s) of honor must rent the entire space for the day.

As the event coordinator or manager, it’s up to you to ensure you don’t overbook your venue. By doing so, you’ll decrease customer service ratings and deter potential sales.

Event technology can effectively schedule events to make the best use of everyone’s time. A calendar overview is a great feature of many restaurant and bar POS systems. Plus, it helps to streamline event management processes.

3. Employee Scheduling Tools

The hours an event takes place can drastically differ from one another. So, you need to make sure you hire enough wait staff to accommodate your venue.

Keep one thing in mind: as events occur at your business, there might be other dining rooms operating as usual. With this in mind, more help might be necessary than you’d initially assume.

A restaurant POS platform that integrates with employee scheduling will simplify many standard tasks, even on days when you feel slightly understaffed. Knowing the exact number of employees working at each event will also help guide strategies and prevent work overload.

4. Collect Timely Payments

In event management, payment processing can be pretty flexible. With this in mind, you want a system that is reliable in sending reminders and collecting payments.

Whether you allow installments, down payments, or other methods, ensure that there are clear expectations set in place for the customer hosting the event.

5. Manage Staff Payroll

One of the trickiest aspects of event management might be coordinating payroll. Effective event management processes will ensure that the proper amount of servers is scheduled for each party.

Since the payroll numbers will differ from one week to the next, a POS solution that accurately tracks hours for each employee will be key. Plus, it’ll allow you to avoid confusion and eliminate the risk of issuing inaccurate paychecks.

6. Easily Update Menus

If you’re a restaurant manager whose business hosts events, one of your best revenue streams is likely your catering or family style menu. Not only is there a high markup on mass cooking, but it’s a necessity for all events. Learn how to calculate markup and how to price a menu before offering catering services.

POS solutions that allow you to change your menu are game-changers. Such tools make it super simple to readjust offerings without manually updating digital menus.

Does your restaurant utilize QR codes? Consider creating a custom QR code with an app like SproutQR (see: what does QR stand for). It will allow you to keep all your menus the same, no matter how many times you update them.

Book a demo with SproutQR and start utilizing digital menus today!

7. Organize Operations

The best part about tech is that it helps to streamline operations. By storing all of your data in one place, it’s a simple process to retrieve information. Plus, it leaves little to no room for mix-ups and errors.

Event management can consist of very tedious details, so it’s crucial that venue operations are seamless. Such simplicity will also reflect in each customer’s experience.

8. Reports and Analytics

Utilizing the right platform can provide you with great insight into your events. For instance, the manager can check data such as which event seasons are busiest, the average number of guests, and more.

Obtaining this insight will back up many venue and restaurant marketing ideas. It will also help determine your target audience, allowing you to conduct more in-depth restaurant promotions.

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Contact us for a demo now to see how our off-premise solutions can help grow revenue and earnings of restaurants.

Frequently Asked Questions About Event Management

What Is the Role Of Event Management?

The role of event management is to ensure that events run smoothly. Effective event management practices will ensure hosts and guests that the itinerary will be seamless, engaging, and a memorable experience.

In recent years, many venues and vendors have been utilizing venue tech to streamline operations. Proper tools and software can help in staying accurate and organized.

What Are the Five C’s Of Event Management?

To successfully host an event, there are five C’s you should follow:

  1. Concept: Once you set a date, it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty. Determining a concept is important since it will help dictate everything else. Is there a specific purpose for your event? Does it make sense to have a theme? These are just a couple of questions to consider before jumping into the details.
  2. Coordination: Once you determine your event’s concept, it’s time to coordinate the plans. There are several components to an event, such as music, food, invitations, rentals, and more. Determine a timeline and who will be in charge of what.
  3. Control: There are numerous variables in planning an event. As the coordinator, ensure that everything will work according to plan. Whether it’s double-checking the space for table arrangements or whether or not you own the proper sound or restaurant equipment, have control over the event-planning process.
  4. Culmination: Mapping out an itinerary will go a long way. The “culmination” period of the event is when it’s finally taking place. Make sure that everything is moving smoothly. Is the decor set up? Are the caterers arriving on time? These are questions to stay mindful of on the day of the event.
  5. Closeout: Once the party’s over, it’s not yet time to go home. Pay all of the vendors and finalize any outstanding contracts. Then, clear up the area and report any urgent or last-minute messages to the team. The closeout period is also the perfect time to receive any feedback from the team and vendors.

What Are the Three Types Of Events?

If you’re planning a large event, it likely falls within one of the three major categories. The three major types of events are:

  1. Private: If a consumer wants to reserve a space for a special occasion, they book a private event. Some of the most mainstream private events include weddings, sweet sixteens, baby showers, and reunions.
  2. Corporate: Events in a professional setting likely fall within the “corporate” box. Networking happy hour, conferences, and company dinners are just a few corporate events a venue can service.
  3. Charity: Auctions and galas are two of the most popular types of charity events. The purpose of charity events is to raise money for a cause or nonprofit.