April 21, 2023
Lauren Platero

Cloud Technology: 4 Reasons Why Restaurants Need It

Cloud technology is becoming popular across the restaurant industry. Some experts use food tech for waste prevention. Others often use restaurant tech to establish smooth operations. No matter what the solution, cloud computing is often part of the equation. 

In this blog, we'll define what is cloud technology, how it impacts restaurants, and what technology makes cloud computing work. Read on for all you need to know!

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Cloud Technology: Definition 

Cloud technology, also known as cloud computing, refers to the process of computing data and formulas. To do so, cloud technology consists of storage, applications, servers, and more. Once a business partners with a cloud service provider, they'll gain access to such features.

Since businesses can store everything in the cloud, they don't have to use physical devices and infrastructures. Instead, the cloud's network will be able to support processes and data collections. With the help of third-party providers, all of these functions are seamless. 

Are you currently in the market for a cloud technology service provider? If so, understand the distinct differences across the three categories. Here's a brief overview of each one:

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): This will provide you with on demand computing, storage, and network resources. 
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS): This will allow you to run and manage processes in a single platform. 
  • Software as a Service (SaaS): This provides customers and businesses with web-based software within a subscription model. 

Cloud technology can completely enhance businesses of any industry. However, it's becoming increasingly valuable within the restaurant space. Read below to learn how it allows  eateries to undergo a digital transformation

What Is Cloud Technology In Restaurants?

Cloud technology for restaurants refers to systems and computations that allow the staff to be more efficient. Many forms of innovative restaurant technology involve software. 

By having smart integrations in place, operations can become simpler than ever. A handful of restaurant solutions that can benefit from cloud computing include:

Now that you know what is cloud technology in restaurants, it’s time to learn why it's necessary. See below for more information. 

4 Reasons Why Restaurants Need to Use Cloud Technology

As cloud computing evolves, more and more perks begin to emerge. But in recent years, many restaurant professionals have been reaping the benefits of using it for their brands. See below for four major benefits of using cloud technology in restaurants:

1. Cloud Based POS Systems Offer More Advantages

Cloud tech solutions can integrate with a restaurant POS platform to simplify processes. As the central terminal for managing sales and payment processing, it's beneficial when computing can do the work for you. 

Cloud-based POS systems are super valuable to chains and enterprises. This is because cloud data storage provides access to all available information to each unit. As you can imagine, this comes in handy for upper-level executives for demand planning, strategic efforts, and more. 

Even when staff members are not on the restaurant's premises, they can access data. Thanks to digital dashboards, tracking real-time performance from a point of sale report is easier than ever once in the cloud. 

2.  Cloud Technology Can Track Inventory 

Once you connect your restaurant inventory app to the POS software, cloud computing will be able to take inventory in a flash. As each food or drink order enters the POS system, inventory metrics will update accordingly.  

In this case scenario, cloud computing would eliminate the need to track inventory manually. Did you know this feature can help cut restaurant expenses? By ordering only what you need, you'll be able to reduce food spoilage, too. 

3. Cloud Technology Is Useful for Reservations 

As customers book restaurant reservations, cloud-based solutions can make such processes organized and seamless. For example, cloud computing can accurately manage table layouts and waitlists. 

The restaurant hostess or host is always busy. Cloud integrations let the reservation system take care of the nitty-gritty details. Over time, these reservation tools can optimize a restaurant's seating capacity, improve the customer experience, and lessen wait times. 

4. Cloud Technology Can Simplify Back of House Operations

Cloud-based servers can contribute to the connection between the POS system and kitchen display system. In doing so, the sous chef will have instant access to orders as they roll in. 

This feature has a handful of benefits for both customers and restaurant staff. First, it helps ensure accuracy. When the KDS clearly displays each order with any additional details, it becomes less likely that the chef will make mistakes. 

Having each order to reference will also increase back-of-house speed and efficiency. In turn, this will provide a better experience for customers.

What Technology Makes Cloud Computing Work?

If you’ve ever found yourself wondering “how does cloud technology work,” we’re going to break it down for you. In simple terms, it involves software solutions that process and access data, applications, and services. 

More specifically, cloud technology providers use servers, the internet, and digital platforms to provide such information. This is actually why those who use this kind of tech can access their files and data from anywhere. It's basically the same concept as being able to access mobile apps and web browsers on a smarphone, as long as you have an account and internet connection. 

Instead of hardware, the cloud tech provider will give you access to resources, accounts, and applications. Since most tech-based business models operate as subscriptions, you'll have access to all the features you need. However, do keep in mind that the provider owns the entire software entity, its data, and its features. 

The cloud-based solution will exist on the provider's servers. As a paying customer, you can access it via web browsers or a mobile app. It's that simple. The provider is also the one to take care of the security measures, updates, and maintenance of the servers. This is perfect, as you don't have to worry about these factors.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cloud Technology

Cloud technology in the restaurant space is fairly new. With this in mind, there is so much to learn about the topic. From understanding how cloud tech is so secure to tips for choosing the right provider, it all warrants careful consideration. 

If you'd like to enhance your knowledge about the general topic of cloud technology, you're in the right place! Read on to learn more! 

What Are the Benefits of Cloud Technology?

Some of the most groundbreaking benefits of cloud technology include:

  • The ability to collaborate across teams
  • Cost savings for businesses 
  • Crisis prevention and management 
  • Simpler business operations
  • Syncing data across platforms

What Are the Different Types of Cloud Technology?

There are three main types of cloud technology, which include:

  1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  3. Software as a Service (SaaS)

How Can I Migrate My Applications and Data to the Cloud?

Digital integrations will allow you to migrate applications into cloud-based solutions. Your best approaches to these processes will depend on your current systems. It will also vary depending on what your goals are for adding data to the cloud. 

How Secure Is Cloud Technology?

One of the most favorable features of cloud technology is its high levels of security. However, a provider's security measures can vary from one to the next. So, ensure you use a reputable cloud technology provider for data storage. 

How Do I Choose the Right Cloud Technology Provider for My Business?

When shopping for a cloud technology provider, consider the following factors:

  • Prices
  • Reliability
  • Scalability
  • Security measures 
  • Data storage capacity 
  • Compliance with regulations
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Key Takeaways

Cloud technology is continuing to revolutionize the entire restaurant landscape. Businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to store data and compute processes. In recent years, many have found success in using cloud-based services for such operations. Want to accelerate innovation across your restaurant brand? Book a demo with us today to discover how cloud-based solutions can transform your eatery for the better.