Alipio Umiten IV

Restaurant Food Waste: How to Reduce Food Waste In Restaurants

Restaurant food waste is a huge problem in the United States. It’s estimated that 40% of the food produced in this country goes to waste, costing restaurant owners millions of dollars annually. But there are things restaurateurs can do to reduce food waste and save money. In this article, we’ll discuss some of those measures. Let’s get started!

Restaurant Food Waste

Restaurant food waste refers to the amount of edible food that goes unused or uneaten in commercial eateries. This type of waste is different from food scraps, which are typically composed of parts of fruits and vegetables, bones, shells, and other items that cannot be eaten. Restaurant food waste is instead made up of fully cooked meals and perishable ingredients such as dairy products, bread, and proteins that can no longer be used for their intended purpose. 

The problem of restaurant food waste has been a growing concern as more people worldwide become aware of its environmental impact. Every year, billions of kilograms (pounds) of restaurant food go to waste due to an inability to use or sell it before it spoils. This waste accumulates in landfills, emitting methane and other greenhouse gasses as it breaks down. In addition to its environmental impact, food waste also has a high economic cost for restaurants due to the money spent on purchasing ingredients that are ultimately wasted.


Why Do Restaurants Throw Away Food?

There are a variety of reasons why restaurants may throw away food. Some of the most common causes include the following:


In some cases, restaurants may prepare more food than they need, resulting in excess food that cannot be served to customers. This can happen when restaurants overestimate the amount of food they will need, or when there is a sudden change in customer demand.

Food Spoilage

Restaurants often use perishable ingredients, such as meat and fish, dairy, and fresh produce, which can spoil if they are not used within a certain time frame. If these ingredients are not used before they spoil, they must be thrown away.

Health and Safety Regulations

In some cases, restaurants may be required to throw away food for health and safety reasons. For example, if TCS food has been sitting at room temperature for too long, it may be considered unsafe to serve and must be thrown away.

Food Left Unfinished by Customers

A big part of the problem is that restaurants are legally required to throw away any food left uneaten by customers. This ensures that there is no risk of contamination or health hazards, but it also means that perfectly good ingredients and meals end up in the garbage. This leftover food often goes in the trash, representing a huge amount of wasted resources.

The reasons why restaurants throw away food are complicated and not just limited to health regulations. Restaurants often have a set number of meals they want to serve per night, so any excess ingredients may be thrown out rather than used in future dishes. Additionally, many restaurants are reluctant to donate their spare food because they fear being held liable if someone gets sick after eating it.

Incorrect Orders

If an order is wrong, it must be thrown out to prevent customers from eating something unsafe or not meeting the restaurant’s quality standards. It can also be difficult to repurpose wrong orders due to the time and effort needed to make something with the ingredients. 

When Patrons Are Not Pleased With Their Food, They Often Request It to Be Returned

When this happens, restaurants must throw away the food to prevent contamination. Food safety regulations mandate that any food served to a customer and returned cannot be used again or reserved due to potential health concerns.

The Fast-paced Nature of Restaurant Work Can Lead to Mistakes In the Kitchen

Mistakes in the kitchen, such as over-ordering, ordering more than needed for a special event or menu item, incorrect portioning, and improper storage, can all lead to excess food being thrown away. In some cases, restaurants may even throw away food that is still safe to eat because it doesn’t meet their standards in terms of appearance or texture.

Overall, there are various reasons restaurants may throw away food, and the specific reasons can vary depending on the restaurant and situation.

Types of Food Waste In Restaurants

Food waste in restaurants can come from many different sources. Some common types of food waste in restaurants include:

  1. Client food waste (CFW) refers to the food that customers do not consume and leave behind at restaurants. This often includes plates with uneaten food, partially consumed portions, and doggy-bagged meals. CFW can occur when customers overestimate their portion size needs, order too much food, or take more than they can eat. It is the most difficult food waste to prevent and manage since it is out of the restaurant’s control.
  2. Kitchen food waste (KFW) refers to excess food that is prepared but not served. KFW is typically composed of uneaten prepared food, expired ingredients, and food trimmings. This type of food waste is usually a result of inaccurate forecasting, overproduction, or standard portion sizes that are too large.
  3. Buffet leftover waste is the amount of food not eaten by customers at buffets. This type of food waste is caused by customers taking more than they can eat, leaving behind unfinished dishes, and not using the buffet's proper portion control.

How to Reduce Food Waste In Restaurants

Reducing food waste in restaurants is important for both financial and environmental reasons. Here are 11 tips to help reduce food waste in restaurants:

1. Buy Flawed Ingredients

Buying imperfect fruits and vegetables for restaurants can help reduce food waste. These products are often cheaper because supermarkets typically don’t want to display fruits or vegetables with blemishes, minor discoloration, or peculiar shapes. By purchasing these items, restaurants can save money and still provide high-quality ingredients while preventing perfectly edible produce from ending in landfills.

2. Ask for Preferences Or Provide Multiple Portion Sizes

Portion sizes are the biggest culprit when it comes to restaurant food waste. Some customers may not finish their whole plate, while others may be hungry for larger portions. To combat this issue, restaurants should ask customers about their preferred portions and adjust accordingly.

3. Repurpose and Multi-Use Edible Ingredients

Restaurants can reduce food waste by repurposing and multi-using edible ingredients. For example:

  • You can use trimmings from cutting raw veggies for soups or stocks.
  • You can puree Bruised fruits and vegetables for sauces.
  • You can turn stale bread into croutons or breadcrumbs.
  • Excess proteins like chicken and fish can be shredded for tacos.
  • You can make wilted greens into salads or pesto.

This reduces the number of ingredients that need to be purchased, cutting back on costs and food waste production.

4. Menu Planning

Menu planning is an important part of reducing food waste in restaurants. By efficiently planning menus, chefs can ensure that only the necessary ingredients are purchased and used, rather than facing potential over-purchasing or over-preparation. Menu planning can also help create balance within the menu, offering a variety while avoiding overstocking certain items. To effectively plan a menu, chefs should consider the size and types of restaurant kitchens, seasonality of ingredients, customer preferences, and budgetary constraints. 

5. Discount Pricing 

One way to reduce food waste in restaurants is by offering discounts on certain menu items. This can encourage customers to purchase the items that have been sitting around for longer while also helping to clear out stock before it spoils. Restaurant discounts can also be used as a promotional tool, and restaurant owners can adjust their prices accordingly based on how quickly or slowly menu items are selling.

6. Local Food Partnerships

Local food partnerships are a great way for restaurants to reduce food waste. By partnering with local farms and suppliers, restaurants will have access to fresher ingredients that don’t need to be shipped from further distances. This helps reduce the amount of food that is wasted due to spoilage during transportation or storage.  

7. Composting

One way to reduce food waste in restaurants is to compost. Composting is the process of breaking down organic matter, such as leftover food scraps, into nutrient-rich soil that can be used in gardens or landscaping. By composting restaurant scraps, establishments can help reduce landfill waste and create a useful byproduct.

8. Encourage Employee Education/Empowerment 

Workers should know the importance of reducing food waste and how their actions directly impact it. This includes training on portion sizing, inventory management, proper storage techniques, and safe handling practices to ensure that food is used efficiently with minimal waste. 

9. Wrap Up Leftover Food

Encouraging customers to take home their leftover food can be a great way for restaurants to reduce food waste. This will also benefit the customer, as they can enjoy their meal later and save some money in the process. Restaurants should offer containers or packages specifically designed for leftovers so customers can easily store them without risking food contamination.

10. Donate Food

Restaurants can donate their leftover food to food banks, charities, and shelters. While it may involve legal hurdles in doing so, donating food effectively reduces restaurant waste and provides meals to those in need. Restaurants should ensure that donated food is stored correctly, handled, and transported to ensure it’s safe for consumption.

11. Utilizing Restaurant Inventory Management Software

Restaurants can reduce food waste by utilizing restaurant inventory management software. These solutions offer a range of features that help operators better manage their stock and identify potential areas to cut down on food waste. Features such as tracking expiration dates, forecasting future needs, auto-generating orders, integrating with payment systems, and creating reports can help restaurants manage their resources more effectively. 

Additionally, many inventory management systems allow restaurants to set thresholds and alerts when a stock drops below certain levels or nears expiration dates. This helps operators take action before food is wasted, saving time and money in the process. Taking advantage of these features not only reduces waste but also maximizes operational efficiency and profitability.

Reducing Food Waste In Restaurants

As the world’s population continues to grow and resources become increasingly scarce, reducing food waste is more important than ever. In restaurants, food waste not only represents a financial loss but also contributes to environmental degradation and food insecurity for those struggling to access healthy, nutritious food. By implementing strategies to reduce food waste, such as careful inventory management, composting, and food donation programs, restaurants can play a crucial role in creating a more sustainable and equitable food system. By taking action to reduce food waste, restaurants can help to create a better future for everyone.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Restaurant Food Waste

Keep reading to learn the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about restaurant food waste.

What Waste Do Restaurants Produce?

Here is a list of some common types of waste produced by restaurants:

  • Food waste
  • Packaging waste
  • Paper waste
  • Glass waste
  • Plastic waste
  • Cardboard waste
  • Grease trap and oil waste

What Do Restaurants Do With Leftover Food?

There are a few different things that restaurants can do with leftover food. Some options include:

  • donating the food to local food banks or shelters
  • offering it as a special or discounted menu item
  • repurposing it into new dishes
  • composting

It is important for restaurants to properly handle and store leftover food to prevent food waste and foodborne illness.

How Does Restaurant Food Waste Affect the Environment?

When food is thrown away, it often ends up in landfills, breaking down and releasing methane gas into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change. The decomposition of organic material in landfills also creates leachate, a liquid full of dangerous pollutants that can seep into the soil, groundwater, and nearby streams.